When is a sock not a sock? When it's a Monkey!
Recycling ideas for your old (and hopefully clean) socks.
I have been fancinated by this craze for Sock Monkeys and have recently been sent sock monkey related items from various people (living all over the world). The victorians were making sock monkeys when the craze for imitation stuffed animals swept from Europe into North America & met the burgeoning Arts & Craft Movement.

How to make a Sock Monkey

Sock Monkey Wine Bottle Cover. Photo taken by my niece Lucie a store in Los Angeles, USA.

I just love these 'Spock Monkeys' from Craziest Gadgets

And last, but not least... A Hindu Goddess Sock Monkey!
Image taken from Visual Streak
lovely collection! They all just adorable little things... Thanks for the smile